Back pain is a common problem that affects millions of people in the United States. A percutaneous discectomy is a minimally invasive procedure meant for patients with severe back pain caused by disc herniation, a medical condition wherein the spinal discs are damaged. This procedure minimizes or removes the bulging and damaged components of the spinal disc, thus alleviating pressure from the surrounding nerve roots, which, in turn, reduces pain and inflammation. We perform a highly personalized percutaneous discectomy to address the root cause of your back pain symptoms, helping them lead a pain-free life without relying on opioids.

How does Percutaneous Discectomy Work?

Percutaneous discectomy is a minimally invasive procedure for disc herniation, a medical condition wherein the intervertebral discs degenerate and bulge outwards. This procedure uses plasma technology to remove excess tissues from the nucleus of the spinal disc. The spine surgeon inserts a specialized needle into the center of the spinal disc, where channels are strategically created to extract the excess tissues. This procedure decompresses the spinal disc and alleviates pressure from the surrounding nerve roots, thereby reducing back pain.

The Goals of
Percutaneous Discectomy

The primary goal of percutaneous discectomy is to treat patients with severe back pain because of disc herniation. The majority of herniated discs occur in the lower back, but disc herniation may also occur in the thoracic or cervical spine. The intervertebral discs between the vertebrae provide a cushioning benefit, preventing the adjacent vertebrae from grinding against each other. The spinal disc consists of a soft nucleus and a hard outer shell. When the disc is worn down because of genes, aging, or injuries, the nucleus bulges outwards.

When the nucleus of the spinal disc bulges outwards, it may apply pressure on the surrounding nerves, leading to radiating pain in the arm and legs. Extreme pain in the buttocks, calves, and thighs are tell-tale signs of disc herniation. Other common symptoms of a herniated disc include tingling and numbness sensations, and muscle weakness. The percutaneous discectomy procedure removes the excess tissues bulging out from the spinal disc, thereby reducing pressure from the surrounding nerve roots. This procedure effectively addresses the root cause of severe back pain.

Benefits of
Percutaneous Discectomy:

  • Minimally invasive spinal procedure
  • Addresses the root cause of back pain
  • Minimal post-treatment scarring and fibrosis
  • Minimal post-treatment recovery period
  • Minimal damage to surrounding tissues
  • Extremely precise and accurate procedure
  • Provides long-term relief from pain
  • Minimal risk of complications
  • Doesn’t damage the immune system

Your Percutaneous Discectomy in Edison

Your percutaneous discectomy is performed as a simple, minimally invasive procedure that concludes within an hour. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with mild sedation — general anesthesia isn’t necessary. The spine surgeon makes an extremely small incision to insert a specialized needle, which makes channels on the spinal disc to remove the excess tissues. This procedure decompresses the spinal disc within 30 minutes, following which the incision is sutured closed. You should avoid heavy lifting and strenuous workouts for a few days, but you can resume most daily activities within a week or two.

Schedule an Appointment

Edison Spine & Pain Management is a state-of-the-art interventional pain management practice specializing in the latest and safest minimally invasive procedures for chronic pain. Our pain doctors always diagnose the root cause of your back pain to curate a personalized treatment plan, ensuring safe and long-lasting results. We start with non-invasive, conservative treatments and only recommend minimally invasive procedures when necessary. We also avoid opioids and complex surgical procedures. Please schedule an appointment to explore your percutaneous discectomy options in Edison.

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